Sunday, May 1, 2011

Having the perfect version of Yourself?

Well, I just saw Limitless (the movie) a couple of our ago and it raised a question: why can't we have the perfect version of ourselves?

Ok, the movie is fiction about a drug that makes you assess all the parts of the brain and all that (allegedly) it might "unleash".
It was a nice movie, I had fun, but the thing is: why can't he make the best of our capabilities without any drug?

If you see, there's a lot of time spent on doing things that take you nowhere and you could easily make that productive. What do I mean?

Well, we all have our goals in life and, don't get me wrong, but most of us see it just as a theoretical thing, a "it would be awesome to have that or be that" kind of thing.

The main problem, in my opinion, is that most of us don't have the balls to get out of our comfort zone and actually take the risk of living life to the fullest and have all we want.
I'm not saying not to have fun or hangout, sure that's very important (otherwise you'll go crazy), but use that time wisely if you want to succeed in meeting your goals.

Otherwise, you'll get to end of your life wondering what you could have done or been.

I leave you guys with this thought: Time is the most valuable asset, use it well - or do you want to be another guy/girl wondering how far you could have gone?


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