I just got home from watching "Inside Job" and from someone that doesn't work in the financial arena, I found it quite interesting.
Especially in terms of really understanding what happened, something that already got a feeling by seeing "Wall Street 2".
But there was this "tiny" detail that really was "fantastic"..even though most of you already got to the same conclusion and for me it was more a confirmation than anything else...and this is the thing:

I mean guys really speechless when trying to answer a simple question, to CEO's of major financial companies like Goldman Sach on a trial pulling off a "are you saying that hypothetically?", when facing a question about crappy financial products.
One thing is to say things in a different way,in cases where the truth is a bit sketchy and you can go around things....another is to completely avoid clear questions and say stupid things when it is crystal clear what happened.
But still, they continue to be in the top positions of the American government and major companies...I wonder why.
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