About.Me is a great tool for personal branding. Check mine.

About.Me is a great tool to use if you are looking for a good spot to start your personal branding. Check mine. Try it out and let me know your thoughts.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mad Men vs Marketers - Art of Influence


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Toolbox of Small Businesses

There is a lot to how small businesses run their online marketing operations. Here's an interesting infographic that goes into several parts of that online marketing operation, bringing some interesting insight: ...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lead-To-Revenue Performance Framework

A lot remains to be said on Lead Generation and the revenue it generates. Planning and knowing the entire process is crucial to having better results. Here's the explanation of Lead-To-Revenue Performance, worth looking into: ...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Big Data and Lead Generation

Lead Generation is a big part of a company's daily life, since they need to get clients in order to grow. There are several tactics to get business prospects, from online marketing campaigns to the simple personal contact. This Infographic gives an approach to lead generation and how it can be managed through social capital: ...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Digital Marketer Story

Everything has a story, including digital marketing: ...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Are people Sharing Too Much?

Social Networks are here and are a big part of our daily life...but are we over-using? Here's an infographic that sheds a bit of light on this: ...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Scoring Klout

Digital Influence is around for a couple of years and it's quite important to have in mind and know who's influencial or not. This is specially important for brands, in order to maximize their buzz efforts. There are several online platforms to help on this, where Klout is probably one of the most well-known. Given this, I bring you this infographic, with an interesting perspetive on Klout: ...