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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kiip: An amazing concept - Prizes for gamers..

Hi everyone,

I had the opportunity of coming across an amazing concept that is being developed and put into action.
The company is called Kiip and the concept is basically to give mobile gamers (by this I mean people that play a lot on their mobile) a real prize for their achievements.
Here's the "How it Works" video:

Kiip: An Introduction from kiip on Vimeo.

What does this mean? Well, basically, you'd be awarded a Starbucks Voucher, a Netflix subscription or any other prize (just examples) for going from level X to X+1.

The beauty of it? It's actually giving people something when they are in a moment where they are happy, because they went to a new level in a game they love. So, if you give something to someone at this point of the game, people will gladly accept it and (probay) be more prone to redeem it (at least I would).

Kiip was founded by Brian Wong, a very young canadian entrepreneur.
I leave you with the interview of Brian Wong to Kevin Rose (founder of Digg), where you can check his experience as an entrepreneur. Worth seeing:

Foundation 05 // Brian Wong from Kevin Rose on Vimeo.

Let me know your thoughts on this.